Physical Education

As Gallahue and Ozmun (2001) the school, many times, is the space where, for the first time, the children live group situations and they are not more the centers of the attentions, being that the experiences lived in this phase will give for a healthful development during the remaining portion of its life. 5. METHODOLOGY This project of pedagogical intervention search to add the professors of the Physical Education and History for construction of proposal for the dissemination and reflection of the culture afro-Brazilian through the dance and history, being waited to find one space of debate concerning the practical effective of the pertaining to school space. During the development of this work, with analysis of diverse authors who write on the dance and the culture afro-Brazilian, it visualizes to carry through this project in AND M J M F with the pupils of 3 year of Basic Ensino, through expositiva and dialogued lesson, guiding of research, survey of the information found, productions of text, interviews with employees of the school and the community on the subject in question, exposition of the activities for the too much pupils and professors of the school and the community, acrstico with the word culture afro-Brazilian, being that it will be emphasized typical foods, confection of a book illustrating history of Zumbi of Palmares, confection of masks and sculptures of diverse tribes African (in accordance with the meanings that is attributed to them), to know the workmanships of artists that had been influenced by the African culture, as Pablo Picasso, to attend DVD? S for quarrel of this style of dance to know other manifestations cultural, to show through the film ' ' Kiriku and feiticeira' ' a little of history, the African culture, passing this knowledge of clear, objective form and of easy language, so that the pupils understand common facts of the African life and relate with our proper culture.